Home4Healing provides housing at no cost or minimal cost to patients going through cancer treatment. Referral for long term housing is verified through Mayo Clinic providers. 

A safe and comfortable place to lay your head down at night is magic medicine for your soul.

We make housing happen.
Mission Possible

Home4Healing is dedicated to finding housing options that fit the needs of blood cancer patients and their unique needs.

Hotels/Apartments--Furnished spaces that provide safe, clean, private accommodations for extended stays with kitchenettes, 2 separate bed spaces for patient and caregiver.

Private Houses—A place where families are willing to host a patient and their caregiver with private accommodations within their home.

As an outpatient you are required to stay close to the hospital. Affordable housing is limited and sometimes non existent. Help us find a home away from home for these cancer warriors and their families. 

Housing is the greatest need while healing during cancer treatment. 

We are a volunteer based organization working on unique solutions for the special needs of blood cancer patients and their specialized treatment program.

Having affordable housing options is transformative to the healing processes. 

Home4Healing housing properties and accomodations are only available to patients receiving blood cancer and stem cell treatment through the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. Home4Healing works directly with Mayo social workers and a referral from the patient’s provider is needed to secure housing for patients and their caregivers.

It is our mission to help blood cancer patients get into remission and thrive.

Each dollar donated goes to helping secure housing for patients.

Eau Claire, WI

"finding affordable housing was harder than chemotherapy, biopsies, and my stem cell transplant. It consumed my thoughts. Paying a mortgage and $3000 a month for rent in Rochester was killing us financially. Leukemia was killing me physically. The thought of months away from home was killing me emotionally. Thank goodness for Go Fund Me, friends and family supporting us through those tough eight month. We survived and now thrive."

Eau Claire, WI - Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma

"The stress of dealing with a difficult diagnosis and stem cell transplant was compounded by the uncertainty of finding a suitable housing arrangement, at an affordable price while receiving Mayo Clinic out-patient care."

Rochester, MN

"We opened our home to Shannon during her leukemia journey. We are retired, had space, and wanted to help on a deeper level. We enjoyed the company and were happy we could make a life easier for her and her family."

A Matter of Fact