November is the month that we give thanks as a nation—we recognize the veterans in the beginning of the month and by the end of the month we are feasting with friends and family for Thanksgiving—-or in my family it’s the season of the HUNT. The rut is on and my dad, brothers, in-laws and outlaws are all IN when it comes to hunting. Getting up early, sitting in freezing temperatures, shooting a gun, and eating venison sausage that has been processed in my brother Pat’s garage does not appeal to me at all. Even though I am 100 % Pat’s DNA I have not taken up any of his habits or activities and I will not be joining them at DEER CAMP.
It has been 5 years since I came home about this time of year from Rochester Mayo after my April 1, 2018 diagnosis of leukemia and stem cell transplant in August of that year. 8 months of time away from home and over 1800 plus days of life after Pat’s stem cells were transplanted into my body.
I had two important appointments in September–a bone marrow biopsy and a haircut and color. Both turned out favoriable. Clear marrow and back to being a blonde. Dr. Shah thinks we can wait a year to see each other regarding the leukemia, but if I have another brain bleed he wants to be consulted, he also told me I was a transplant patient for life and I told him I was HIS patient for life.
On the other hand, my hair stylist, Denise, told me I CANNOT go six months without seeing her ever again. My hair looked like a mix between Einstein and Willy Wonka, but the worst thing was I was shedding more than our dog! Now that I have hair I need to take care of it.. Maintenance issues—Tim says I need to do some tidying up too–especially the facial hair–I don’t want to become like the bearded lady down the street so I am on a plan or at least trying to look presentable a not like I just did a year on Survivor.
I am thankful that after years of dreaming HOME4HEALING is a REALITY. Late this summer a group of ROCK STARS came together and formed a READY, SET, GO team and we are READY TO HOST FAMILIES. Once again the power of people lifted me up and we climbed the mountain together. Our goal was 10K by Turkey Day and we smashed it out of the park. We have raised 18,000 as of today and hope to sign a contract with the Hyatt Place by Dec. 1st.
The great 48 showed up at our first meeting in August and continue to support each month by investing, working, consulting, meeting, planning and DOING things!
Ann Kaiser Greg Emerson Maura Muenzer Rachael Stilp
Tim Camlek Dave Elvig Kathy Brock Anderson Jo Ellen Burke
Paula Tracy Ryan Stilp Marci Boyarski Shalyn Gagnon
Eric Wright Kristi Peterson Sandy Wagener Dick Milheiser
Kathy Wright Nick Gagnon Brooke Kaldor Jason Boyarski
Kim Ericson Stacy Winsand Tami Dahl Irene Norgren
Benny Anderson Tim Skutley Naseema Gangat Stella Pagonis
Mark Strobush Jane Milheiser Sandy Strobush Kirk Dahl
We received a donation of $7000 from Immanuel Lutheran Church in Eau Claire and Pastor Jamie and the church generously open their doors for our monthly meetings.
Every donation matters! And a shout out to Paula Tracy who Is the first person to set up a monthly recurring donation. Also, to Jim and EllWagener who asked for H4H to be added to US Banks charity list where buisnesses will MATCH the donation, doubling your gift! And to Jan and Bob Smith, Tim’s uncle and aunt, who inquired about annual required minimum distributions—these funds can be donated TAX free. Many ways to give and of course I missed the GIVE to THE MAX on NOV 16th day but any day is a GREAT day to give the gift of HOPE, HOUSING and HEALING, because every 3 MINUTES someone is diagnosed with blood cancer and the treatment plan includes extended outpatient stays near the hospital.
We are an all volunteer organization so all of your dollars goes to housing patients and their families.
I am so grateful for the support of my friends, family, strangers and these volunteers, you ROCK my world.
Happy Thanksgiving–I am so LUCKY—at home, feeling good, surrounded and supported–
And grateful I am not out in a deer stand–I did that once with Connor. He claimed I was too loud, couldn’t sit still and scared the deer away–I say BOLOGNA to all of that, but I used a different word. These are the same deer that jump out and run across the road while I am driving–they don’t seem to mind loud noises, smells of gas (car or human) and have no fear of eating my hostas as I watch out the window. I will wear my orange to honor leukemia patients and dance in my kitchen while drinking wine—-happy to just be.
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